Sep 8, 2024
23 stories
Posing a question regarding need to have position of land. The needs of Arabs often neglected by the state of Israel and especially for East Jerusalem residents. That me and my wife in the picture on my sisters rooftop in Jerusalem. Mount Olive and the Dome of the Rock behind us.
A poem about my summer childhood town. My parents were born there and I spent every summer there with my cousins.
Most Palestinians live in diaspora in many countries of the world
Love poem yo Palestine. Called Who is she. I hope to translate yo English soon
Love poem to the unknown
Wrote this after visiting Jerusalem. Thought after Oslo peace agreement Palestinians conditions would improve. It did not.
This story is no longer available
A hope for peace mainly between Israel/Palestine
A wish for justice.
The case of Many immigrants and refugees. In my case being a Palestinian indicates a life of traveling and losing my residency status to my birth country snd ancestral land.
My early years when I came to the US, I had 2 suit cases and $500. Was met with stern and unwelcoming comments by Immigration officials at NY airport.
This speaks to oppression and injustice of occupation
Somehow I feel that I’m always lost and confused, it’s a being in limbo state but I’m totally comfortable with it. Although I seem lost I know my final destination.